However, as the year went on I kept trying to figure it out and from the stats below, so did everyone else.
Over the last three months I have actively started "following" social media types like Chris Brogan, David Armano and Guy Kawasaki. They post interesting information and provide links to current articles. As I started getting more involved in Twitter, others started following me. It was kind of strange. There are the typical spammers but there are others that may actually be interested in what I have to say.
Then one day I received an email that said "Maria Shriver is following you on Twitter". The First lady of California!? I had found her on the list of 50 people that Demi Moore follows. Yes, Ashton and Demi are big fans of Twitter. (So is MC Hammer but that's another converstation.) Could Maria be actually following me? If so, I better step up my twitter game. Maybe she just has an automatic program in place to follow people who follow her. For now, I will just pretend that she is really interested in me.
From a public relations side of things, Twitter seems to be a very effective tool. Information is picked up quickly from your followers so you have to be careful of what you say. Many news sources are on Twitter and it can be an efficient way to get headlines.
It's another item in the long long list of social media apps to keep up with but that is my job.
You can find me at
I will leave you with this link. You know Twitter has made it when Jon Stewart makes fun of it.